MWG Direct Blog
How To Stop Medicare Spam Calls
We have all faced it – an enormous number of telemarketers and spam calls. But things go from bad to worse the closer you are to age 65. Learn more about what you can do to to minimize spam callers.
What Is Creditable Coverage?
In Medicare, you may hear the term “creditable coverage” used every once in a while, especially when you are new to Medicare or plan on delaying your Part B. Take note that creditable coverage can be very specific depending on your situation. It could cost you if you are not aware of what is creditable and what is not.
The 4 Parts of Medicare
With Medicare you may find that there are many different letters to keep up with. When it comes to the basics, there are four parts of Medicare that are broken down like so: Part A, Part B, Part C, and Part D. Take a look at what each one entails!
Retirement Packs: Gear Up for the Adventure Ahead!
If you decide to purchase a Medicare Supplement plan, you may be wondering, “what other plans work with my Medicare Supplement?” or “do I need any additional plans?” To make it easier for clients to determine which products best fit their needs, we have created Retirement Packs. Read futher to find out more about each pack!
2022 Initial Enrollment Period
There are many different enrollment periods to consider, but keep in mind that the Initial Enrollment Period only occurs when you are initially eligible for Medicare. However, it is important to know when this window begins and ends to avoid penalties or gaps in coverage.
2022 Open Enrollment Period
The Open Enrollment Period lasts between October 15th and December 7th each year. During this time, you may make changes to your coverage, and you will not be required to go through underwriting. Read further to see why type of changes you can make in the Open Enrollment Period.
2022 Guaranteed Issue Period
As a Medicare beneficiary, you have certain rights when it comes to coverage. “Why is it important to know these?” you may ask. Read further to see why this makes such a big difference when thinking about Medicare enrollments.
Why Are the Prices of My Medications Changing?
If you have Medicare and purchased a stand-alone Part D Prescription Drug plan, you may see the costs of your medications fluctuate during the year depending on your out-of-pocket costs. This is because of the different phases you could possibly go through with a prescription drug plan. Read further to understand each phase and where you may currently be.
Medicare and Counseling
It has been commonly said that depression is normal with age. However, that is not always true. The truth is, it can get harder to determine signs of normal aging compared to the signs of mental health problems. Find out more on which types of counseling services are covered under Medicare.
A New Year Brings Medicare Changes
A new year is here! ... and so are Medicare changes. Remember that Medicare prices change each year. It is important to know and review these changes each year for multiple reasons. Find out what those changes are!
What is a Scope of Appointment Form?
During the Annual Enrollment Period, you may hear the term “Scope of Appointment form” used often. You may have wondered what that is and why it is necessary. Read further to find out the "why" behind this important form!
Is the Price Right on Your Medicare Supplement?
Is the price of your Medicare Supplement raising more and more each year? Remember that you can change your Medicare Supplement plan at any time throughout the year. Look into the next steps in new Medicare Supplement rates!
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