MWG Direct Blog

Retirement Packs: Gear Up for the Adventure Ahead!

Retirement Packs: Gear Up for the Adventure Ahead!
If you decide to purchase a Medicare Supplement plan, you may be wondering, “what other plans work with my Medicare Supplement?” or “do I need any additional plans?” To make it easier for clients to determine which products best fit their needs, we have created Retirement Packs. Read futher to find out more about each pack!

A Furry Retirement!

A Furry Retirement!
Here at MWG Senior Services, we want to promote health living for our clients in retirement. For those who don't know, wellness is practicing daily healthy habits to gain better physical and mental health outcomes. There are so many options for creating a healthy lifestyle, such as adding a furry friend to your home!

Medicare & Mental Health

Medicare & Mental Health
The most common mental illness for those over 60 years old is depression. It impacts 6 million Americans but only 10% receive help. If you are enrolled in Medicare, you have several benefits for mental wellness.

World Heart Day

World Heart Day
In honor of "World Heart Day", we are raising our voice for those who have been impacted by heart diseases. Cardiovascular disease (CVD) remains at the top for the #1 killer in the world. If you need coverage for Heart Attack & Stroke, MWG Direct can help! If you would like to talk with an advisor, call us at (877) 759-5762 or email