2022 Initial Enrollment Period

When you think Medicare, you may picture yourself retiring at 65, then enrolling when the time comes. But when do you actually enroll? And what is the window of enrollment before penalties come? Your first opportunity to enroll in Medicare is called the Initial Enrollment Period. There are many different enrollment periods to consider, but keep in mind that the Initial Enrollment Period only occurs when you are initially eligible for Medicare. However, it is important to know when this window begins and ends to avoid penalties or gaps in coverage.

Your Initial Enrollment Period begins three months before your 65th birth month and ends three months after your 65th birth month.

Sign up:

Coverage begins:

Before your 65th birth month

Your 65th birth month

65th birth month

The next month

The month after you turn 65

2 months after enrolling

2-3 months after you turn 65

3 months after enrolling


How Do I Know if I am Automatically Enrolled in Medicare?

If you are receiving Social Security or Railroad Retirement Benefits four months or more before turning 65, then you will be automatically enrolled in Medicare, Parts A and B. Keep in mind that it is not within four months, it is four months or more. If this applies to you, then your Medicare card should be mailed to you before your 65th birth month.

What If I Miss the Initial Enrollment Period?

If you miss your Initial Enrollment Period, then you can still enroll in Medicare. However, your next opportunity will be during the General Enrollment Period, which takes place each year from January 1st – March 31st. If you do enroll during this time, your Part A and Part B effective dates will begin July 1st of that year.

Just remember, that Medicare does not notify you of your Initial Enrollment Period, so it is very important to understand when it will take place for you. If you will need someone to walk you through this next step through retirement, then MWG Direct can be your insurance guide from start to finish! Email us at direct@morganwhite.com, call (877) 759-5762 opt. 2, or visit our website and request a quote to get started!

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