World Heart Day

World Heart Day

In honor of "World Heart Day", we are raising our voice for those who have been impacted by heart diseases. Cardiovascular disease (CVD) remains at the top for the #1 killer in the world. CVD is any disease of the heart, vascular of the brain or blood vessel.

Did you know that heart diseases and strokes take 17.9 million lives annually? The average age for one's first heart attack is 65 for males and 72 for females. This is also known to be at the top for most expensive treatments at a hospital.

It's necessary to be educated on the risk factors, so one can practice health living. Some of these factors include lack of physical activity, smoking and poor eating. By clean dieting, moving your body daily and avoiding tobacco, you could decrease your chances 80% from dying of a cerebrovascular disease (stroke) or coronary heart disease (heart attack). 

To learn more about ways to advocate for Heart Health, please visit:

If you need coverage for Heart Attack & Stroke, MWG Direct can help! If you would like to talk with an advisor, call us at (877) 759-5762 or email 

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