Why pay more for Medicare Supplement Premiums?
I received a letter the other day from a client who asked me, "Is there any reason to pay higher Medicare Supplement premiums with XYZ Company, rather than switching to ABC Company with lower premiums and the same benefits?
My response would be "NO, unless you are switching to a Medicare Supplement Insurance Company that is not rated B+ or higher".
Medicare Supplement Premiums Example
Today alone before noon we had three individuals call in between the ages of 68-71 that all owned a Plan F Medicare Supplement. Each of them had been with the same company for roughly 4-6 years. Their plans had received massive rate increases and they were paying over $50 per month more than they needed to for their coverage.
These individuals where all healthy so there were no roadblocks to lowering the Medicare Supplement Premiums. If someone had health conditions that were on the health questions asked by an insurance company they would not be able to get that policy. However, there is a guaranteed issue retiree health insurance that is available through MWG Senior Services.
One of the couples that called this morning saved just a little over $1,000 per year with just a 15 minute phone call (which included 10 minutes of filling out an application). The other gentlemen was actually located within 15 miles of our office so he came in and saved over $1,200 per year on his Medicare Supplement Premiums.
Replacing a Medicare Supplement Policy is not difficult. You don't have to worry about any of the following:
- Cancelling Existing Policy
- Cancelling Existing Bank Draft
- Filling out the new application
- Coverage Lapsing or having No Coverage
- Getting coverage that is not a premium policy (B+ or Higher Rated Carriers Only)
- Paying more than you need to for health insurance