What Is the Age for Medicare?
Ready for retirement but wanting to know when your Medicare health coverage begins? Age 65 is your new lucky number! This age is when most people are eligible for Medicare. Individuals under age 65 who receive Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) payments are eligible for Medicare after a two-year waiting period. Those diagnosed with end-stage renal disease (ESRD) and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS, also known as Lou Gehrig’s disease) are eligible for Medicare with no waiting period. Patients receiving a kidney transplant can also qualify for Medicare as soon as they become hospitalized for the transplant. Medicare will then cover the cost of different expenses related to the transplant.
If I qualify, when will my coverage begin?
The year you turn 65, you will be able to enroll in Medicare during your Initial Enrollment Period. This will be three months before your 65th birthday, the month you turn 65, and ends three months after your birthday month. If you enroll within six months of your 65th birthday, your coverage will begin either the first day of your birthday month for age 65 or the month before you turn 65 if your birthday is the first day of the month.
Ms. Williams turns 65 on May 22nd, 2020. If Ms. Williams enrolls in Medicare during February, March, or April, her coverage will begin on May 1st, 2020.
Mr. Banks turns 65 on May 1st, 2020. If Mr. Banks enrolls in Medicare during February, March, or April, his coverage will begin April 1st, 2020.
For patients with end-stage renal disease, you will become eligible for Medicare on the first day of your fourth month of dialysis. If you choose to begin a self-dialysis training program, you become eligible for Medicare immediately; however, if you choose to stop the program and begin going to a dialysis center, your benefits will stop until after you complete the four months of dialysis treatment.
Coverage for patients with ALS will begin instantly after collecting Social Security Disability benefits. Individuals can begin collecting the Social Security Disability benefit after five months of being recognized as disabled.
Medicare kidney transplant coverage will end 36 months after a successful kidney transplant if you have Medicare as a result of permanent kidney failure. Nonetheless, Medicare will continue paying for transplant medications if you were already eligible for Medicare because of age or disability before you developed ESRD or if you became eligible for Medicare due to age or disability after getting a transplant.
What are my next steps?
The federal government retirement health insurance program covers a portion of the cost of hospital and doctor expenses. Medicare comes in several different pieces – A, B, C, and D. They each have different guidelines for signing up, which can sometimes be difficult to keep straight. While Medicare health coverage begins at age 65, it is important to begin learning about Medicare coverage before that famous birthday. This is where MWG Senior Services comes in! We host on-site educational events at our office, we guide retirees over the phone and in person, and help individuals choose the best plan that fits their needs, all while providing exceptional customer service. As an added service to our Medicare Supplement clients, we will provide an annual prescription drug plan review and assist in getting retirees additional benefits they might lose once they retire, such as dental, vision, hearing, long-term care, and cancer plans.
You don’t have to tackle Medicare or retirement alone! Give us a call at (877) 759-5760 or email seniorservices@morganwhite.com.
To request a quote, visit https://mwgseniorservices.com/medsupp.