Turning 65?

Are you turning 65 soon? Are you looking for some answers on what you need to do first to take full advantage of your Medicare options? We have outlined some simple steps to help you navigate the Medicare maze. Let’s take a look at what path you might want to take. Please remember, if you have any questions at all we are just a phone call away.

We hear this question a lot, “How early should I start looking at my Medicare options?” We always tell our clients that it is never too early to start educating yourself about Medicare. You will be bombarded with calls and mail about 6 months before your 65th birthday, which can be pretty overwhelming. We would recommend finding a knowledgeable advisor at least 4-6 months in advance so you can get the conversation started. If you are looking for someone to help you navigate the Medicare maze, give us a call at (877) 759-5760 or email us at seniorservices@morganwhite.com. We would love to help with any questions that you might have.

Once you are eligible for Medicare, you will need to sign up and drop your Marketplace Health Insurance so that it stops when your Medicare coverage starts. Most of the time, it is more beneficial for you to sign up for Medicare during the first 3 months of your Initial Enrollment Period. Doing so could help you avoid late penalties. Keep in mind, you will not be eligible for premium tax credits or other savings for your Marketplace plan once your Medicare Part A coverage starts. If you received tax credits to subsidize your Marketplace plan premium, and/or you received these tax credits after your Medicare Part A coverage started, you might have to repay the credits or savings you received when you file your taxes.

Enroll in Part A of Medicare. If a person isn’t automatically enrolled in Medicare they can sign up for Part A once their Initial Enrollment Period begins. This starts 3 months back from the month you turn 65, includes the month you turn 65, and ends 3 months after the month you turn 65.

Decide whether you would like to sign up or delay Part B. If you do not have creditable coverage through your employer, you would need to enroll in Part B during your Initial Enrollment Period. If you have creditable coverage through your employer, you can delay Part B. If your coverage is not considered creditable or you do not have any other coverage, if you don’t sign up for Part B when you are first eligible, you may have to pay a late enrollment penalty for as long as you have Part B. If you have retiree coverage, you will likely need to be enrolled in both Medicare Part A and Part B to receive full benefits.

Compare your Medigap options available in your area. To compare prices of over 19 different Medicare Supplements located in your area, click here. You will be able to view rates specific to you! Let us help you take the guessing game out of what to do to prepare for turning 65 and becoming eligible for Medicare! We are more than happy to set up a free consultation with one of our Senior Market Advisors that are licensed Insurance agents ready to answer any questions you might have. Give us a call at (877) 759-5760 or send us an email at seniorservices@morganwhite.com. Be sure to mention that you heard about us through our blog. Have a great day! Source: Medicare.gov

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