The Best Medicare Supplement
The Best Medicare Supplement
Our clients often ask us, "What is the BEST Medicare supplement?" And that answer truly varies depending on the needs of the person asking. So, to answer that question for you, we like to dig a little deeper by asking you some questions. The question we are ultimately trying to answer is "What is the BEST Medicare Supplement for YOU?"
For example, we may ask you what you like or dislike about your current plan, how much you're currently paying, how much your deductible is, how much you're paying for copays, etc. Answers to these questions help us narrow down which plans may be best fit for you. So if we start asking you questions, don't be alarmed! This is just part of our job to find the best Medicare Supplement for you.
Typically, after we have laid out the differences between the Medicare Supplement plans, our clients lean towards a Plan G. There are certainly other plans available, but most of the time Plan G just makes financial sense. As I mentioned in my last blog, the only different between Plan F and Plan G is the Part B deductible. That deductible is $166 for 2016 and if a Plan F's premium, for example, costs $300 more a year over Plan G, why pay $300 for a $166 benefit?
So, if you're searching the web for the best Medicare Supplement, give us a call. We will find the best Medicare Supplement for YOU! Our number is (877) 759-5760 or email us at Let us know you read our blog! We look forward to speaking with you.
Medicare Supplement Rates
** If you'd like to look at Medicare Supplement rates in your area, please CLICK HERE and you will be directed to our Medicare Supplement Quote Engine in a new window. And yes, you will actually get to see rates when you enter your information into our quoter.