Medicare Supplement Online Application
You may be asking, "why can't I do it myself without an agent or without having to give my information to someone I have never met?"
That is a great question. Currently from what we have been told by insurance companies is that a Medicare Supplement Online Application must be submitted with an agent to keep down on fraud and Medicare abuse. There are also laws in place that make the insurance companies jump through a lot of regulatory hoops that a paper application or a agent submission does not require.
Medicare Supplement Online Application
There are several reasons why some people want to submit an online application versus going directly to the company or through an insurance agent.
- Quick application process. Submitting an application online means that the policy would be processed quicker. This is true! When someone is in crunch time and trying to get an application submitted for an effective date of tomorrow an electronic application is the best way to get this done. Understand that just because you submit on the 31st of a month and request a 1st of the following month effective date, you will not have your ID Card in 1 day. You are still required to go through the application process it just ensures that the application goes through quicker.
- Losing Open Enrollment Period. Sometimes people do not know that their Open Enrollment Period is expiring until the last week. During the Open Enrollment Period you have no health questions for 6 months after turning 65 and receiving Medicare Part B. For someone with health issues this is the best time to apply for a policy - no doubt!
There are other reasons why a Medicare Supplement Online Application can be required, but contact one of our Senior Market Advisors to find out how you can submit an application!
Providing advice on Medicare Supplements