Nevada Medigap Plans
This week I am in Las Vegas, Nevada for an International Health Insurance convention. Why I was here I heard several people talking about the Affordable Care Act, Nevada Medigap Plans and other health insurance alternatives. Since the large portion of Obamacare is coming very soon I figure I would discuss how Nevada Medigap Plans will be affected by the Affordable Care Act.
Nevada Medigap Plans
In summary, Nevada Medigap Plans are supplemental insurance coverage for Medicare Parts A & B. There are 10 different plans labeled by letters A through N. Each one covers different portions of your out of pocket expenses but the Plan F is the most popular plan. The Plan G is the most cost effective of the Nevada Medigap Plans.
It is very important to compare the rates because plans are standardized and the different companies must offer the same benefits. Some companies may ask different health questions but the plan designs are federally regulated. Compare Medicare Supplement Quotes through our Medicare Quote Engine.
Nevada Medigap Plans - Affordable Care Act
In general Medigap plans will not be affected greatly by the new healthcare laws. However, we have put a few items below that will address concerns from different Nevada residents:
- Health questions will still be asked for Medicare Supplement Plans. These are supplemental policies and the "No Health Questions" applies to primary insurance not secondary insurance.
- There will be no subsidies given for Medigap Plans.
- You are not required to enroll in these plans or a Medicare Advantage Plan.
- There are laws that are trying to eliminate the Plan F Medicare Supplement. However, these new bills will probably be shot down since over 5 million people have a plan F Medicare Supplement.